Sunday, November 7, 2010

Starburst Bracelet


I thought it would be a great idea to do a starburst bracelet since we just finished Halloween and you probably managed to get some starbursts.

To do this bracelet you will need to go threw your bag of candy and find approximately 31 starbursts. You will need an odd number of wrappers including the one you will end it with (or else it will not work). For me I went searching through my bag of candy and only found about 4. anna gave me some of her wrappers and the same with my sister and i only had about 10. My mom was so nice that we went to save on foods and bought a giant bag of starbursts, my sister, me and her friend ate basically the whole bag in half an hour. PS be careful when you are unwrapping the starbursts, if you rip the wrappers it will not work and you will have to eat even more! the pictures that I will post are from this website:

Starburst wrappers

1. Flip the starburst wrapper over.
2. Fold it in half, unfold it.
3. Fold the 2 sides so they meet the centre line, that you just made.
4. Fold it in half, hotdog style.
5. Fold it in half again, hotdog style.
6. Fold it in half hamburger style.
7. Unfold the fold that was the hamburger fold.
8. Fold the starburst wrapper hamburger style so that the 2 sides meet the line that you just made.
9. You finished your first folded wrapper make another one exactly the same but maybe a different color?
10. Insert points 1 and 2 into slots A and B pull it through, look at the photos.
11. Continue steps 1-10 for each starburst wrapper.
12. When it fits you, you will have to end it. To end it you will need to make one more folded wrapper but do not do step number 8 for this special wrapper.
13. Make a v in the wrapper that you just inserted, bring the other end of the bracelet close to the other end that you are working with and insert the special folded starburst wrapper (the one with the v) into the starburst wrapper that you started with. look at the photos.
14. Tuck the ends of the wrapper into the wrapper beside it. Pull it all the way through.
15. Ta da you made a starburst bracelet!

I hope you liked making a starburst bracelet,



Austyn said...

Hi Ti!!!

First off, WHOA!!!!! That's soooooo cool!!!!!!! I absolutely HAVE to make that! That looks awesome! But I think that I'll have to take a trip to Save-On too!!! :D Your bracelet looks better than the example! You should wear it to school tomorrow!!!

Have a good night! And see you tomorrow! :D

Geneviève Miles said...

Very cool! 'talk about recycling! ;)

Anna said...

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jade said...

Whoa! That's such a cool craft Tiana! I wish you could wear it to school one day so I can see it in person! That's one of the best crafts I've ever heard of!!!!!

Laurel said...

that is indeed amazing!

Jade said...

Whoa! Your animals are so cool!!! Is it okay if I try to put some on my blog?

Laurel said...

Did you know that if you keep clicking on the hedgehog, he will do a flip?

Now you know!!!!!!


Jade said...

Where did your animals go?

Austyn said...

Hi Ti!

Oh ya... where DID your animals go?
I should really try to make that bracelet soon... Like I've said before, it was a really cool idea!!! See you soon! :)

Tiana said...

To Austyn and Jade,
I took them out they were taking up to much room!